Your Personal Leadership Brand

Duis ex ad cupidatat tempor Excepteur cillum cupidatat fugiat nostrud cupidatat dolor sunt sint sit nisi est eu exercitation incididunt adipisicing veniam velit id fugiat enim mollit amet anim veniam dolor dolor irure velit commodo cillum sit nulla ullamco magna amet...

Client of the month – Tommys

Duis ex ad cupidatat tempor Excepteur cillum cupidatat fugiat nostrud cupidatat dolor sunt sint sit nisi est eu exercitation incididunt adipisicing veniam velit id fugiat enim mollit amet anim veniam dolor dolor irure velit commodo cillum sit nulla ullamco magna amet...

States and Capitals – Memorize them to Music!

Here is a song we are learning to memorize all of the states and the capitals. It is a really hard song to learn – even for me – And for even the best singers, too, but third graders across the USA are learning it and you can too.  I have already practiced...

Ms. Tara's Manners – Acknowledgements

How to Acknowledge Someone Listen and try to understand Listening usually involves looking at and facing the person talking and not doing anything else Say something to show you understand and show that you understand with your body movements For example Facing the...