I have a painting on my wall. It is an interesting painting because there is nothing in it–except the sky.
It’s funny to watch the reactions of people to this painting.
Many simply enjoy it, and the message it imparts. Others look at it quizzically and seem to be taking it all in. Some (of the perhaps more “left brain mentality”) look slightly curious as to whether I’ve had my bells and whistles connected.
A few protest pleasantly, saying things like: “You realize there is nothing in that picture. It’s just the sky!”
Just the sky. Hmmm.
So why do I have this paining on my wall? To me the empty sky means opportunity. The frame around it seems to encapsulate the concept of endless opportunity.
There is so much opportunity available to us each day; it can be complex to decide on which moments are the most important ones to expand upon.
The best moments are the ones that really define your life’s expression, the moments that define your beliefs, your ideals and in short, what you want to focus upon in this life.
When we choose a brand, we are choosing a way of life; a lifestyle that pleases us. And with this choice we are creating culture–the living expression of Art.
Branding gives us a wonderful opportunity to express our ideals, to allow companies to connect to individuals and other groups, creating a culture of which we can be proud. Opportunities to express your message to the world abound. Take hold of them and communicate broadly! Your voice, your brand, really matters.
Expect Success!
T.E. Locke