Welcome to Global Kindergarten!
Click here for the Global Kindergarten Welcome Video “Hello!” to children all over the world.
Below you will find the LESSON PLAN to use with this short and sweet video in your classroom or for any student anywhere in the world. Enjoy!
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Pass it along to your friends, if you can. Send teachers this lesson plan so they can join us in the global classroom.
Even better news: I would like to make this video just for your school! WOW! Send me pictures or video and I will “send your Hello” to students around the world, or feature you in a video for your students, teachers or school.
LESSON PLAN – Hello Song Global Kindergarten
Global kindergarten opening song, sing along say, “Hello”!
Learn to say “Hello” and some of the world’s languages
The Goal of this lesson is to welcome the children to school each day and to help them feel oriented to the world at large.
Objective: With the video, teacher modeling an example and practicing with the children, they will learn to say “Hello” in words and gestures in English and several other languages. They can learn the song easily and even perform it for their parents and grandparents.
Most children are fascinated to learn about the world. You may explain there are many languages in the world but English is one language that we can use commonly. Children want to know there are other children, just like themselves, all over the world.
How to model Opening “Hello” Song for a student or a classroom
Play the song video after the children into the class and have put away their things and accomplished any other immediate routine for them to feel they have arrived.
Use the video to sing along. Begin by saying the words in rhythm (don’t worry about a tune).
Children can say, sing, and move to the song, as well as speak the languages of hello. Get them to achieve the objective by modeling it carefully and then doing it with them each day.
Model: Say and/or sing, and move to the song. Perform it for the students doing motions including: waving, sign language for “Hello”, a bow, a handshake, and saying the words in each of the languages.
Do it with them: Mirror image with the children by standing across from them. The child follows you during “mirror image”.
Tailor simple movements to your students depending on what they can easily do. Provide scaffolding to more complex movements that they can do when taught, and teach them slowly.
Keep it simple and once you have decided on the “choreography” keep it the same each morning until they’ve got it. Practice song each morning and they will get it.
Speak each of the words as the song goes, very clearly. Sometimes point to the words so it is clear there are words and they are fit to the music on the screen, but mostly teach the greeting with the music and your spoken words as well as visually with ample gestures or “choreography”. Use intonation with your words so it is clear when you are asking a question such as “How are you?” and when you are saying “Hello”. For children who are deaf or hard of hearing use gestures and signs that will be familiar.
It is very clear in the song when you might do certain gestures. For example, when the hand waves, and when it is shown in sign language. But you can add more gestures including a bow or nod, the palms touching for “Namaste” or a handshake between partners.
Keep showing them how to do it whenever needed and soon they will learn the song and the movements and how to say and speak, “Hello” in a number of languages from around the world.
Look for more videos and lessons in the coming weeks:
English Language Arts
– Opening song puppet show
– Places in the world – Where is Earth?
– What kind of bread do you eat? Food around the world
– Count from 1 to 10 with fingers and puppets – video
– Sorting things that look alike by color and by shape
My hope is to have lots of cool videos for you to learn here at Ms. Tara’s Global Kindergarten. I teach in English, but suitable for children who is just starting to learn it. If you click on the Video section of this website, Expect Success Media, you can link to the videos we have made for you. More are coming every day.
So LIKE this video, and let’s get started! Welcome to Global Kindergarten!
With Love and happiness,
Ms. Tara