This lesson applies to students of any grade, actually. But it is written against the 6th Grade Common Core Standards Academic Literacy Lesson Plan: College and Career Readiness: Range of Reading and Text Complexity: Range of Reading and Text Complexity. Student must be able to:
10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
Materials: blank journal, pencil/pen, student level dictionary (online or hardcopy), access to (for etymologies of each word).
Review: Student should be able to explain a story using proper diction and descriptive tale of events prior to starting this lesson. Student will choose grade level appropriate materials in area of their interest; instructor approves the materials as educational. The student must have been previously assessed to determine reading level. (John’s BRI Assessment or other). Student should already know how to decode words including meanings of most common affixes, and roots.
Objective: Student will read complex literary (or informational) text accurately both aloud and silently with understanding evidenced by correctly answering comprehension questions and a written essay showing understanding.
In this series of lessons student will read aloud, silently and be checked by writing one page essays on the materials, which will be edited for correct grammar and word usage by the teacher. Student is also required to keep daily journal (one that is suitable to be read by teacher) with daily recording of events, thoughts and feelings which can be discussed between teacher and student.
Student may choose one fiction book and one subject to research using informational sources. The following applies to one of the sources at a time (either fiction or non fiction.)
With teacher/tutor: Student and teacher each have copies of the have same text. Teacher models procedure and then Student reads aloud and teacher/tutor watches and listens, marking errors including mispronunciation of words, stumbling, or inappropriate pauses, stilted speech or inappropriate intonation. At the end of a paragraph or segment student is prompted to discover what is understood and not understood, with any of these types of questions:
What does the word _________ mean? (choose words based on errors student has made in reading them.)
What is the author communicating in this segment/paragraph?
What do you know about the story/subject so far?
In discussion, identify with students words in the text that are not understood. Look them up in the dictionary, reading aloud each definition and discussing its meaning and use. Use them in sentences and clarify their etymology to give a greater depth of understanding of each word and its roots. Decode the word to discover prefixes, suffixes and root words.
Work through the text paragraph by paragraph with the student until it becomes evident the student can now read text, discover what words are unknown and use a dictionary to learn the vocabulary that is not understood. Student writes in daily journal that is reviewed by teacher at each session to clarify grammar.
Independent work for the student includes
1. Journal daily: what happened that day, how you felt about it or what you thought about it.
2. Write down in journal 5 new words found and clarified while reading text (5 per day)
3. Once the material has been completed (fiction or non fiction) the 1 page essay is required as a brief summary