Academics through the Arts Make Learning Fun
Learn the tough concepts in Language, Mathematics and Science through artistic projects and games. Especially for Kinesthetic and Visual Learners by Ms Tara of AnyWhere School popularity. Classes are non stop engaging fun learning, great as supplementary education and review of tough concepts, reading writing and arithmetic for students Grades K-6
English Language
Grade Skill Learning Project
K Alphabet Animal alphabet games
K. Alphabet, Vowels, Phonics Songs, Sign Language
K-1 Sight Words Drawing/clay & Letter sounds.
K-2 Phonics Onsets & Rhymes. Songs/singalong
(E.g. Cat, Sat, Bat)
Gr 1-2 Vowels, Phonics Vowel sounds Song & dance
Gr 1-6 Sight words. Drawing, clay & small words Storytelling
Gr 1-3 Phonics (blends) Making Words Storytelling/theatre
Gr 1-3 Comprehension Sign language & Vocabulary. & gesture songs
Gr 1-3. Phonics blends. Writing stories: word choice and composition
Gr 1-3 Parts of speech Noun/verb Walk, talk & point Students walk
point to and describe what they see, feel, taste
Gr 1-6. Writing sentences Tell/write a story & paragraphs. With illustrations, Puppets, clay, sets Stories have beginning, middle and ending, characters etc. Gr 1-6 Vocabulary Root word trees Root word charades Gr 1-6. Phonics prefixes, suffixes Code and. decode detective search and discovery adventure Gr 3-6. Language/communication Send a letter to a friend Gr 1-6 Fluency Put on a puppet play Students practice lines, repetition (reading aloud, memorizing) Mathematics K Counting Count animals videos Animal puppets count And categorize Gr 1 Addition. Counting by types of Colored Objects Gr 2. Telling time. Songs & game What Time did it happen? Improvisation/drama/mime Gr 2 Subtraction. Songs & pantomime “Oops he ate my ____” Gr 2. Addition. Animated addition Design-flip books Gr 2. Subtraction Animated subtraction Design flip/slide books Gr 2-3. Mathematics. Sound & Music: What Is sound? Play the Bells, Chimes, Glasses Or bowls Gr 3. Multiplication. Math grid designs Gr 3. Multiplication. Count by 2s,3s, 4s, etc – Songs Gr 4 Multiples. Multiple grid designs Gr 4 Multiples. Multiples Nature Walks Gr 4. Multiples. The Golden Mean Video/photo project Gr 5. Fractions. Fractions Nature Walks Gr 5. Fractions Origami Measurements Boxes; building designs Gr 5 Fractions Color mixing: paint The color wheel Gr 5 Fractions Cooking design Make a salad Gr 5 Fractions Hopscotch by Fractions & Chalk Design Gr 4-5. Division Paper construction Show multiples, divisors And quotients in design E.g. Use triangle figure to create design to show relation between 3, 5 and 15 Gr 5 Division and Paper construction Denominators. Showing fractions Gr 5 Numerators and. Paper design Denominators. Construction