Its been several months since I awoke with the realization that my life purpose has to do with teaching, movement, children and dance.
This blog series begins my adventure along this purpose.
Several months ago I began with the idea that I would reach out to children and teens (or anyone) and teach them how to dance.
This teaching of dance in a pure form I thought would bring more happiness.  I developed a method of teaching dance to anyone and look forward to offering these classes.
But the adventure did not end with my hand on a barre in a dance studio.
First, it lead me to study the entire subject of HAPPINESS as a valuable final product of life and by which I and hopefully others, will judge our actions, decisions and relationships. Next, it lead me  into the field of education – schools, teachers and most importantly, students.
Not on a whim but definitely with the wind beneath my feet, I changed my orientation and began studying to become a special education teacher.
While continuing to dance (and teach dance) this has lead me to the subject of educational kinesiology – using movement to help students learn.
This series of blogs chronicles my day to day experience in studying as a teacher, the materials I am learning, resources and discoveries a long the way.
I am happy in the knowledge it will surely be the best adventure ever so far!  And I am excited to chronicle all of it because it is a very amazing ride!