Learning Tools and Techniques may assist in informal assessment of a student.
The kit includes Abacus’ for teacher and student, 12 of red, blue and red circles, rulers and a calculator with large type. These items are for use in determining child’s ability to discern shape, color, number patterns, measurement and counting ability.
During the evaluation there is no pressure, no “timing”, no right or wrong answer, no judgement of any kind. Simply show the student each item and observe responses. Make your notes later, do not interrupt by making extensive notes. Video if possible so you can refer back to it.
1. Establish Play Space or Studio.
2. Present the colored circles in patterned designs and observe the student’s reactions. (show multiples of 12 or other designs). Coax the student to participate in any way. Observe student’s reaction time, comments, activities or behaviors.
3. Give the student the abacus. Play with the abacus yourself (teacher). Count aloud using the abacus. Observe and note any response from the student.
4. Give the student the ruler, pen and paper. Use the ruler to measure and draw lines. Coax the student to use the ruler, pencil and paper. Note all responses and reactions.
5. Do the same actions with a calculator. Show the student a simple addition problem, repeating it again and again so the student can see and repeat it. Coax student to try the calculator. Observe all reactions and behaviors.
To understand the breath of Educational Kinesthetics, read this article on Wiki: Kinesthetic Learning. Educational Kinesthetics is the subject of these blogs that contain Lesson Plans and Theory and Research on Educational Kinesthetics.
These methods use the Danzen (c) techniques of movement athat provides physical strength and brain health through movement and posture, Danzen teaching methods for mathematics as study of patterns; design, including color and distinguish of color and shape, and lessons in similarities and differences using movement modeled by teacher and physically shown by student.