To work successfully with ratios, a student must first understand the concept of what is a ratio as well as how it is notated (written in mathematical terms).
Ratios are often confusing for students because when they are written it looks like a fraction. 2 of 4 or 2/4 or 2:4 are all expressions of ratios or the rate at which something happens compared to something else.
Let’s make it simple by playing some Ratio Basket Ball
Materials: Basket (any kind that works!), balls – can be hand made (made of wadded up paper, etc.) or plastic, etc.
A RATIO shows a relationship between two amounts, values or numbers.
Stand about 10 ft 3 meters away from a basket and aim for it with the balls. What is the ratio of baskets made to baskets missed? Our is usually about 1/6 or 1 basket for each 6 balls thrown; 1:6
Now stand 6 feet (2 meters) away. Whats your ratio?
Try different lengths away from the basket or even weights of the ball, but keep track of your RATIO and report your score at the end!